Vote for our next Vice President! Voting closes Monday, April 22nd at 5pm.
Drew Golden Bio:
Please tell us why you would like to hold this position on the Aquarist Club at USF Executive Board (max 150 words):
I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here with the club. I really want to take a more active approach with the operations of the club. This will be my final two semesters at USF and would really enjoy an opportunity to be more active in the club and help others become interested in the hobby as well.
Please tell us what makes you a good candidate for this position (max 150 words):
I have worked in leadership positions with all of my jobs over the last decade. I am level headed and enjoy helping wherever and whenever I can. I also feel that while many of the members are on the salt/reef side that I would be able to as VP help shed light on the fresh water and planted side. I have had tanks since I can remember (started out with a 10 gallon molly tank in kindergarten) and I have helped several get into the hobby (in fact I have been guiding someone who was a complete stranger at first to setting up their first tanks and it’s been amazing to assist them in their journey). I feel that being in this position would not only give me a chance to improve myself in the hobby, but to assist others in their growth and development within the hobby and ultimately helping the club to grow and develop.
Please tell us what changes/improvements you plan to make to our organization if you are elected (max 150 words):
I would love to have the opportunity to help us operate more openly and give us a stronger presence on campus. I would love to see us have a presence not only at the campus club events but have an active role in the Bull Market on Wednesdays which could help us not only support the club (thus allowing for more club sponsored events) but would also give us a chance to spread the joy of this hobby to others who may otherwise feel intimidated by the hobby through information and knowledge at the Market. I would also like to see next year’s raffle include more live things such as plants, inverts, and fish (from either sponsors and or members)
Are you currently a member of our online forum? Yes, or no? If yes, what is your username on the forum?
Yes. Dgolden
How many participation points has this candidate acquired during the 2012-2013 school year?
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Veronica Morton Bio:
Please tell us why you would like to hold this position on the Aquarist Club at USF Executive Board (max 150 words):
I would like to hold the Vice President position in the Aquarist Club at USF because I want to be more involved on campus and I would love to put my efforts towards a club and hobby that I enjoy and am passionate about. I believe this club has a lot of potential to grow and become more established on campus and I think I could help that happen by using my skills and contacts to spread our excitement to others!
Please tell us what makes you a good candidate for this position (max 150 words):
I am a good candidate because I care about the future of this society and I want to help it growth and thrive at USF. I am a good communicator and can be relied upon to keep members and other officers up-to-date with what is going on within the club. I am dedicated and willing to help the President with maintaining deadlines and taking initiative for contacting potential sponsors, speakers, and coordinating meetings and events. I look forward to meeting more of the members and helping the club to run as smoothly and enjoyably as possible. I am excited to have the chance to become more involved within the Aquarist Club!
Please tell us what changes/improvements you plan to make to our organization if you are elected (max 150 words):
As Vice President, in addition to assisting the President with his/her duties, I would like to focus on expanding our club to reach more students (and faculty!) on campus. Throughout this year I have noticed that when I talk about the Aquarist Club, many people just don’t know about it. I would help fix this by focusing on more outreach, especially in the Biology/Marine Biology areas (lots of fishy-people here!), but also in other departments too, because we all know that aquarists are everywhere! Specifically, I think that making beginning-of-class announcements, in conjunction with flyers for anyone interested, would be a good way to start. I have taken two marine biology/ecology classes this year, and I can tell you, there are more of us aquarists out there! We just need to catch the rest of the rest of them!
Are you currently a member of our online forum? Yes, or no? If yes, what is your username on the forum?
Yes. veronicam
How many participation points has this candidate acquired during the 2012-2013 school year?