TBRC's July club meeting will be this coming Saturday at Aquarium Quest. This is a maintenance company that has a holding facility of fish and corals that they use for their customers tanks. This will be a different kind of club meeting as there will not be a pot luck. There will be drinks though. It should be a worthwhile meeting to attend as there are sure to be an abundant amount of frags and fish there, as well as Byron, Michael, and Dan explaining what they do. Also, the reason for not having a potluck is because it will be warmer than usual because of the facility being without air conditioning, therefore, make sure to dress appropriately for the warmer temperature. After the meeting, TBRC will be making reservations at a local Pub, so make sure to respond to the meeting post on TBRC's website if you plan to attend so that they can make appropriate reservations.
Aquarium Quest
13355 Belcher Road South
Largo, Fl 33773
TBRC website's meeting thread: http://tampabayreefclub.org/forum/monthly-meetings/tbrc-club-meeting-saturday-july-7th-6pm/#p2972