Concerning Honorary Membership on this Forum
Some of you may have noticed that currently there are 3 Usergroups on this forum: 1. Administrator, 2. Moderators, 3. Honorary Members. This announcement is to address the definition and purpose of the "Honorary Members" usergroup and to encourage the growth of Honorary Membership on this forum.
"Honorary Members" on this forum will be listed under the "Honorary Members" Usergroup under "Usergroups" and will have their screen names highlighted in green. "Honorary Members" are non-USF forum members that are allowed to participate on the Aquarist Club at USF Forum, as well as attend club meetings and socials. However, "Honorary Members" are NOT members of the Aquarist Club at USF. (This has to be clearly stated and maintained in order for our organization to be eligible for USF Student Government A&S Funding).
With this said, Honorary Membership is welcomed and encouraged. If any members of this forum would like to recommend a candidate (not currently on this forum) for Honorary Membership, please send me a PM. Any forum members recommending a non-USF candidate for Honorary Membership on this forum MUST notify me first so that I can mark the new member as an "Honorary Member".
Thank you,
Sam G.
(President of the Aquarist Club at USF and Administrator of this Forum)