Hi everyone,
So surprise! The Aquarist Club at USF Executive Board has planned the
first-ever Aquarist Club at USF WOW Event!!!
The event is...wait for it...an
Aquarist Club at USF Carnival!!!!!
We've got most of it planned out, but we want to get you all's input. Here's our plan so far, feel free to share any comments, ideas, or suggestions. We'd love to hear what you all want, so that we can make the event super-awesome!
Tentative Plan:
- Two carnival games: ping-pong fish bowl game, and bean bag toss game
- Food: Cotton Candy
- Drink: TBD (considering just having freeze pops and water to save money, but also considering doing root beer or cream soda in cans, or no drink at all?)
- Prizes: Live fish (cheap tiny freshwater fish) and generic (one-size printed in bulk) Aquarist Club at USF t-shirts
- For profit: We considered selling fish bowls, fish food, etc. for people that win a live fish and need stuff for it. Also, we could sell the live fish and t-shirts separate for people who don't want to play the games (or don't win) but still would like a fish or shirt.
Comments, ideas, suggestions???