<freakout> I dont know what Im doing!! I thought I did, but I dont. I really dont! </freakout>
As you know, I recently came into some new additives. I don't usually mess with them, but since they were a dollar, I am more than happy to start.
I have:
Oceans Blend Part A (Calcium) and Part B (pH/Alkalinity)
Marine Stabilizer (pH/Alkalinity and essential Vitamins/Minerals)
Reef Accelerator (Calcium and Trace Elements)
Replenish (Trace and Minor Elements)
2 of these say they mainain pH/Alkalinity. Should I do one and not the other? Will doing both be too much?
2 explicitly say Calcium. Should I do one and not the other? My calcium is already apparently high (as evident from the coraline and the angry guy a the fish store) Where is my current calcium coming from anyway?
3 say vitamins/minerals/trace elements. What does that even mean? Is that like the iodine, magnesium and potassium. It seems like these all overlap....
Should I get a testing kit for Calcium and Magnesium. Im worried about overdosing if I dont know how quickly my tank takes it up. How do I figure out if "trace elements" means I'd be overdosing iodine. CAN you even overdose iodine? Or potassium? DO FISH EVEN LIKE BANANAS???? sorry, I just don't know what Im doing.